September 8, 2024

Back to school, back to finances

Back to school, back to finances

Every year, the ‘back to school’ feeling in September invites a chance to reflect prepare for a new chapter. In this blog post, we’re going to talk through a few financial aspects that you can implement this September, and every September going forwards, to help you and your household’s financial wellbeing and lifestyle…

Where did you spend money this summer?

Days out, holiday clubs and camps, get aways, snacks, ice creams and lunches. It really does add up. Look back through your diary, your photos for prompts, and write down what you spent.

So, what can you do now, to help yourself for next summer, and for other school holidays in the interim?

Set up a ‘school holiday sinking fund’. AKA, a savings account that you put aside an amount each month that you can afford. Build up a pot of money to pay for those days out and holiday clubs, and trust me, your future you will thank you for this next year!

Now that’s done, think of Christmas

I know it’s September, but that does inevitably mean that Christmas is going to start coming up in all parts of your life. With the festivities just three months away, now could be a good time to start saving for it, to take away the financial burden when the time comes! Not just for gifting, but for the entertaining and hosting you might be doing, as well as social events and days out to meet Santa. When January comes, consider a new sinking fund to save a small amount every month all year round to meet your festive financial goals.

Download our free budget tool

On our website, we have a number of free resources, in particular, our Budgeting Workbook is a great place to start. This tool will help you get clarity on your finances, and look at ways to create those desirable sinking funds, even if you have got a few debts along the way to contend with…

Looking at the bigger picture

These financial moves can really help you get on top of your finances all year round and spread the load. No one wants to be paying off Christmas, or Summer, for months afterwards. The more you can help yourself now, the better.

However, we don’t want it to end there for you.

You may also want to plan for your children’s future too. Now might be a good time for us to plant the seed of exploring savings and investments for your children, such as Junior ISAs, trusts, stocks and shares.

If you are in a position to save for their future, then please do get in touch for a financial planning meeting, and we can help you create a financial plan to incorporate everything we have highlighted in this article.

Get in touch with us today here or book directly onto my calendar here.

Willow Tree Financial Services are a Financial Adviser based in Polegate, East Sussex, UK. We specialise in Financial Planning, Mortgages, Investments & Pension Planning, Protection & Insurance Wills, Trusts & Estate Planning.

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