Hello, my name is Rachael Panteney and I am the founder of Willow Tree Financial Services.
Financial advisor offering expert financial planning support. To find out exactly which services we offer here at Willow Tree Financial Services, please visit the services menu. Equally, if you can’t see what you are looking for, please do not hesitate to get in touch.
I founded Willow Tree Financial Services in 2015, having worked in the banking and financial sector since 1998. I qualified as a mortgage adviser (CeMAP) in 2005 and as a financial adviser (DipFA) in 2012.
When I established Willow Tree Financial Services I did so with something to prove. I was driven by the common misconception that only the wealthy need financial advice. It is something I have heard time and time again throughout my career and, sadly, something that much of the industry is more than happy to go along with. After all, the more money the customer has, the more money they make!
Something about this didn’t sit right with me – well, nothing about it, sat right with me. And that is when I decided to go it alone and take the first steps in developing a financial services business that truly puts the customer first.